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Título : The Patriarchal Paradigm and the COIP: A Search for Deconstruction
El Paradigma patriarcal y el COIP: una búsqueda de deconstrucción
Le paradigme patriarcal et le COIP: une recherche de déconstruction
Il paradigma patriarcale e il COIP: una ricerca per la decostruzione
O paradigma patriarcal e o COIP: uma busca pela desconstrução
Palabras clave : Paradigm;patriarchy;dialectic;rape;institutions;Paradigma;Patriarcalismo;Dialéctica;Violación;instituciones
Editorial : Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - PUCE: Centro de Publicaciones y Dirección de Investigación
Descripción : The patriarchal pattern is based upon the most abstract forms of human knowledge. In this way its projection has achieved advanced forms of dominance, which have extended to the social and legal areas. Criminal law has not been the exception. Through a dialectical deductive method, we will try to find the basic objectives that show us the COIP’s normative-substantial application bases. An interdisciplinary vision with transversal applications of sociology and philosophy will show us the necessity for a macro deconstruction, at a social and legal level. Through gender analysis, we will demonstrate the startling shortcomings with which the new COIP is handled in such delicate aspects as the applicative definition of rape. KEYWORDS: Paradigma (paradigm), Patriarcalismo (patriarchy), Dialéctica (dialectic), Violación (rape), institutions. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: K14, E42
RESUMENEl modelo patriarcal ha hundido sus bases en las formas más abstractas el saber humano, es así­ que su proyección ha alcanzado formas avanzadas de dominación, que se han extendido a fenómenos sociales y jurí­dicos; el derecho penal no ha sido la excepción. Mediante un método dialéctico-deductivo, intentaremos encontrar las premisas básicas de actuación que nos revelen las bases de aplicación normativo-sustancial del Código Orgánico Integral Penal. Una visión inter-disciplinaria, con aplicaciones transversales de sociologí­a y filosofí­a, nos mostrarán la necesidad de una deconstrucción macro, a nivel socio-jurí­dico. Mediante el análisis de género, demostraremos la alarmante deficiencia con que el nuevo COIP se maneja en aspectos tan delicados como es la definición aplicativa de la violación. ABSTRACTThe patriarchal pattern is based upon the most abstract forms of human knowledge. In this way its projection has achieved advanced forms of dominance, which have extended to the social and legal areas. Criminal law has not been the exception. Through a dialectical deductive method, we will try to find the basic objectives that show us the COIP’s normative-substantial application bases. An interdisciplinary vision with transversal applications of sociology and philosophy will show us the necessity for a macro deconstruction, at a social and legal level. Through gender analysis, we will demonstrate the startling shortcomings with which the new COIP is handled in such delicate aspects as the applicative definition of rape. KEYWORDS: Paradigma (paradigm), Patriarcalismo (patriarchy), Dialéctica (dialectic), Violación (rape), institutions. JEL CODE / CLASIFICACIÓN JEL: K14, E42
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Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador - FCH-PUCE - Cosecha

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