Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : Vigilance, research and evaluation in COVID-19 risk management. The cases of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Vigilancia, investigación y evaluación en la gestión del riesgo del COVID-19. Los casos de Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú.
Palabras clave : Surveillance; Research; Evaluation; Pandemic;Vigilancia; Investigación; Evaluación; Pandemia
Descripción : The purpose of this article is to analyze the response capacity to SARS-COV-2 of the governments of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, according to the guidelines provided by PAHO. For this, a qualitative methodology was used, with an exploratory, descriptive and analytical approach with the analysis of PAHO variables, among which are surveillance, laboratory, research, and evaluation. From this perspective, it is possible to appreciate the different measures taken by the countries of the Pacific basin with different results. Finally, it can be deduced that social problems prior to the pandemic, whether of an economic nature, supplies, and human resources, affect the health management of the countries analyzed in a pandemic situation.        
El propósito del presente artículo es analizar la capacidad de respuesta frente al SARS- COV-2 de los gobiernos de Chile, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, de acuerdo con las orientaciones esgrimidas por la OPS. Para lo anterior, se empleó una metodología de carácter cualitativo, con un enfoque exploratorio, descriptivo y analítico con el análisis de las variables de la OPS, entre las que se encuentran Vigilancia, laboratorio, investigación y evaluación. En esta perspectiva se logra apreciar las distintas medidas tomadas por los países de la cuenca del pacifico con diferentes resultados. Finalmente, se deduce que los problemas sociales previos a la pandemia ya sean de índole económico, insumos y recursos humanos, inciden en la gestión sanitaria de los países analizados en situación de pandemia.
The purpose of this article is to analyze the response capacity to SARS-COV-2 of the governments of Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, according to the guidelines provided by PAHO. For this, a qualitative methodology was used, with an exploratory, descriptive and analytical approach with the analysis of PAHO variables, among which are surveillance, laboratory, research, and evaluation. From this perspective, it is possible to appreciate the different measures taken by the countries of the Pacific basin with different results. Finally, it can be deduced that social problems prior to the pandemic, whether of an economic nature, supplies, and human resources, affect the health management of the countries analyzed in a pandemic situation.        
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