Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Religación - RGN - Cosecha : [989] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 761 a 780 de 989
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Information about health, safety at work and Fire Risk Management in Oil industries-
-El feminismo alterativo: una forma “otra” de sentir, conocer, pensar, aprender, hacer y vivir-
-Competency based modular educational programs-
-Teaching language through literature: an ELT based study-
-Linking High-Commitment Human Resource Practices and Cultural Practices-
-Dom Adriano Hypólito e a Teologia da Libertação: Do mundo para Nova Iguaçu-
-Legal system transformation in the digital age: problem statement-
-Modern technologies of professional teaching in the system of life-long learning-
-A study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of selected organizations in and around Pune city, state of Maharashtra, India-
-Crisis management: financial crisis and fund combination-
-The Effects of Celebrity Endorsements towards Purchase Intention among Malaysian Millennials-
-Specific approach to the creation of an intellectual information system in the training of legal professionals-
-Teacher Efficacy and Commitment in Teaching Arabic: A Correlational Study-
-Reflexiones en torno a los antropólogos en su relación con las ONG: Análisis a partir de un estudio de caso-
-Methodological approaches to understanding national security-
-The role of islamic banking in the transformation of international corporations as a reflection of modern globalization and migration-
-Grammar Skills Development in Studying Foreign Language. Through the example of the Chinese non-copular predicative structures-
-Study of the features of family education in the process of social adaptation of a child-
-Study of future teachers’ emotional issues-
-Oil and money in analyzing the impact of Oil Prices on Inflation, Growth, and Money-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 761 a 780 de 989