Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Facultad de Educación, Ciencias Humanas y Sociales - Iberoamericana - Cosecha : [1377] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 661 a 680 de 1377
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Developmental neuropsychology of children: Detection and intervention of disorders in childhood.-
-Characteristics of study habits, anxiety and depression in Psychology students.-
-Evaluation and case formulation for anxiety disorders in Colombia.-
-Emerging Responses in Rats: Evidence of Symmetry and Transitivity.-
-Resilience: Process or Capability? A critical reading of the concept of resilience in 14 Colombian universities.-
-Neuropsychological intervention for older adults with mild cognitive impairment: case study.-
-Deficit in the recognition of positive and negative emotions in patients with schizophrenia: A Chilean experimental paradigm faces. Clinical evidence-
-Conceptual dimensions of quality of life in psychology students, Mexico.-
-Identities to the clinical - projective discourse: Towards a dialogical model-
-Laboratory instruments as a means of contact for the operant.-
-Autonomy at work. "The challenge for options" in light of the production of the neo-liberal subject.-
-Life skills: Approach from Integrationist Psychology and Complexity.-
-Effectiveness of the EDUPEC Protocol - Education in the Thought-Emotion-Behavior Chain in School Adolescents.-
-The group dimension in organizational behavior.-
-Design, construction and psychometric analysis of a scale of social competence for children from 3 to 6 years old, parents version.-
-Characteristics of Consultants and Therapeutic Process of University Students in a Psychotherapy Service.-
-Emotional effect stroop and smoking behavior in adolescents.-
-Cynicism and Organizational Behavior: A Dialectical Relationship.-
-Rural and Urban Family Children and Development of Resilience.-
-Permanence and institutional change: evolution of work from solid to liquid.-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 661 a 680 de 1377