Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Kavilando - Cosecha : [682] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 421 a 440 de 682
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-La formación histórica de los partidos políticos en Colombia con motivo del bicentenario-
-Mujeres, historia y lucha-
-Independencia ayer, ¿Independencia hoy?-
-Of interior toward out to borders-
-The first millennium development goal: in the hands of the market-
-Bands music in Antioquia-
-questions to psychology-
-Victims Wept and Not Cried Concerning the Manufacture of Remembrance in Citizens of Medellin on Four War Crimes within the Framework of the Colombian Armed Conflict as Psychosocial Barriers to Peace-Building.-
-Jaibanism and Coloniality. The Conflicts between Jaibaná in the Embera-Chamí Reservation of Karmata Rua, Antioquia, Colombia.-
-Paramilitarism: spiral of lies-
-Reflections to Generate Sustainable Tourism: A Look at the Municipality of Soacha, Cundinamarc.-
-Medellin Municipal Council of Peace (CONPAZ). Balance and Challenges of a First Stage of the Post-Agreement.-
-The Narrative as a Strategy to Resignificance Subjectivity in Victims of the Armed Conflict.-
-Medellin: A City in Environmental Crisis.-
-Socio-Environmental Conflicts, Alternatives to Development and New Political Subjects-
-Social Beliefs and Collective Emotional Orientations about Negotiated Peace in Citizens in Medellín-
-Reasentamiento de población y subjetividad: Promoción de identidades en la “gestión social” de proyectos hidroeléctricos-
-Collective Actions of the Movement for the Defense of the Territory and Dignified Life of the Commune 8 in Medellin-
-Relationship between Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Ecological Knowledge in Adolescents in Relation to the Rural or Urban Environment They Inhabit-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 421 a 440 de 682