Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 241 a 260 de 682
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Indicators of individual and community mental health in women-headed households in situations of forced displacement in the department of Quindío-
-Horizontality, expression, and shared knowledge: an approach on psychosocial processes of accompaniment to victims of political violence in Colombia.-
-From the law of justice and peace to the law of victims and the restitution of lands: from indignation to reconciliation-
-Prevalence of manifestations of aggression in students of educational institutions in the city of armenia, Quindío-
-The action and the psychosocial approach of the intervention in social contexts: can we move from the fashion to the theoretical, epistemological, and methodological precision?.-
-Legalization and social inclusion: 2oth of july neighborhood in the municipality of Urrao, southwest of Antioquia-
-Socio-demographic profile of displaced population in Antioquia-
-Social consequences of the cultivation of coca in afrocolombian communities in Caquetá: Analysis of the relationship among the illicit economy, the traditional farming practices, and their role in food security-
-Psycho-social diagnosis of a neighborhood in the city of Armenia-
-The political appropriation of the territory. Strategies of political participation and of peasant resistance in the Yari Plains-
-Environmental concern among university population: Social representations and personal involvement in environmental issues at University of Antioquia.-
-Capital, subject, and city. Readings of the city and the humanistic crisis: the Medellin case-
-The economic background of a crime against humanity-
-Suburban areas-
-Chronopolis: urbanization of life-
-Psycho-socialconsequences of the participation in scenarios of transitional justice within a context of conflict, impunity, and no transition-
-Modes of existence of the strategy of research hotbeds in Colombia as expressions of the understanding of the relationship between formative research and research in a strict sense of the term: multiple interpretations and diverse practices-
-Features for a methodology which allows the understanding of the reasons of the regional success and failure behind the territorial control of FARC-EP: the perspective of the qualitative comparative analysis-
-Family dysfunction levels in twenty women, victims of intrafamily violence, in the municipality of Armenia-
-The protection of financial consumers-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 241 a 260 de 682