Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Kavilando - Cosecha : [682] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 682
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The social commitment of the colleges of education: pedagogical reflections around education and the modernity crisis-
-Editorial, a humanist wisdom,-
-Possibilities and limits of the latin american university from a historical perspective-
-Academic achievement, dropout rate causes, and personal changes in the students of the coverage with equity program at Saint Bonaventure University-
-Evolution of the strategies of war in Colombia: how have the strategies of war used by the Colombian army evolved, from 1930 to 2006?-
-The educational policy and the international cooperation in higher education: the case of Mexico-
-An analysis of legitimacy to the action of repetition in the nine judgments announced by the inter-american court of human rights based on the appraisal efficiency criterion-
-Political and educational practices in the post -2011 Argentina: the collective experiences of self-management of knowledge at university-
-A correlational study of the socio-humanistic area in some higher educational institutions in Colombia-
-Repercussions in the training and the income in México-
-victims in Medellín: a day of attention to the victims in the conflict Medellín 2009-
-Editorial, towards a just society-
-Population in situation of displacement in Antioquia: the role of the approach of rights in the technical aspects for the design and the measurement of indicators (part I)-
-Can liberty, equality, and fraternity exist in the paradigm of the latin american bioethics? the contribution of the dialogical ethics and the ethics of liberation-
-Higher education and participation in the frame of the implementation of the participative budget in the commune 1 in Medellín-
-The colombian indigenous movement: from the negative identity to the positive identity-
-Virtual social networks and bioethics-
-decentralization and social recovery of the territory. a view from the municipal development plan and the frame plan for the integral recovery of “montes de maría”-
-Ludopathy and the employees at saint bonaventure university, Medellín branch, Colombia, 2010-
-The financing of the medical assistance and the pensions in developing countries-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 201 a 220 de 682