Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Corporación Universitaria del Caribe - CECAR - Cosecha : [264] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 241 a 260 de 264
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Resilient Coastal Rim: Post-27F Learning for the Big North of Chile-
-The fractal as an architectural paradigm: deconstruction vs. living patterns language-
-Environmental externalities caused by urbanization in the city of Medellín-
-Spontaneous Peripheries of Ciudad Bolívar-Bogotá: view from the fractal perspective. Methodological approach-
-Processes and Logics of closed urbanizations in metropolitan areas: Bogotá, Colombia and Buenos Aires, Argentina-
-National Capitol of Colombia: Biographical aspects of “Stone Sick” between 1912 and 1914: National Capitol of Colombia: Biographical aspects of "Stone Sick" between 1912 and 1914-
-Current State of Watersheds Planning in the Department of Sucre (Colombia)-
-Memory, event, object and place: Memory, event, object and place-
-Expressional drawing and creativity: visual thought in benefit of the project-
-Structural analysis of three bamboo columns and their sustainable applications in Architecture-
-How is the habitat inhabited? The ways of inhabiting: How is the habitat inhabited? The ways of inhabiting-
-Design of a tensioned folding hyperbolic roof-
-The rurban spaces in Colombia: Some elements for discussion: The rurban spaces in Colombia: Some elements for discussion-
-The city of the inhabitants and their wishes: The city of the inhabitants and their wishes-
-Social Relations in Times of Social Isolation and the Contributions of ICT: Perceptions and Reflections in the Bauru-SP Region-
-Influence of Digital Manufacturing in Architecture. Constructive Processes in Collaborative Environments-
-Urban mobility in the context of smart cities: a bibliometric and content analysis-
-Live - Inhabit – Live (together) with: Five reflections on sustainability for Architect training-
-Accessibility Measures to Opportunities in Urban Studies-
-Ex Hacienda de Montoya: The value of materials and their construction systems for their conservation-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 241 a 260 de 264