Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Departamento de Psicología Social - UAB - Cosecha : [1254] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 341 a 360 de 1254
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Review of Bassi & Hernández (2015), Formulaciones de proyectos de tesis en ciencias sociales-
-Politics of fear. Violence and resistances-
-Between classes and new social movements. An interpretation from the Relationship between Accumulation, Commons and Conflicts-
-Cerebral self-help and new grammars for wellbeing. Caring for the brain for a healthy life-
-The Citizen-Victim: Expansion, Opening and Regulation Laws on Vulnerable Lives (Spain, 21st Century)-
-Narrative, Ethics and Politics in the Meat Market-
-From the “beautiful soul” to the “ugly body”? a materialistic analysis of political subjectivity-
-Meaning of Work and sense of profession at the Academy in Colombia-
-TRANSgression behind bars: Factors of vulnerability in Barcelona´s prison system-
-Problematizations (im) pertinent: (about) experiences of transvestites in primary health care in health in Brazil-
-Collective actions and political behavior: scientific production of Brazilian Social Psychology (1986-2011)-
-From feminist epistemologies to decolonial feminism: Contributions to studies about migrations-
-Reflections on Gambling in contemporary society: towards a risk biography-
-Being closer in the remoteness. The emergence of living environments in an urban periphery-
-Child Abuse: Cartography of a Depoliticization-
-From Biopolitics to Psychopolitics in Byung-Chul Han’s social thought-
-Statements production in current biopolitical strategies: the issue of quality of life-
-Acontecimentos e acasos: desejos infames – tomada um… ação-
-"La adolorida de Bucay" (Zúñiga Albán-1994): analysis from the Theoretical Bases of the Neo-baroque Sarduy-
-The hard promise to end with disability though inclusive art-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 341 a 360 de 1254