Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Departamento de Psicología Social - UAB - Cosecha : [1254] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 1254
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Digital ethnography of living food: a methodological approach to online and offline fieldwork-
-Michel Foucault: analysis of power relations in entrepreneurial and innovative initiatives in Brazil-
-Coloniality, Aesthetics and Distribution of the Sensible: debates around the arkhé of the modern/colonial world-
-To decolonize migration research: notes from a collaborative ethnography-
-Prodigious: cultural consecration and contemporary spectacle in Yma Sumac (1922-2008)-
-Sweat, scrapes and diamonds: the contradictions of risk in reflexive modernity-
-Re-existing peoples: armed conflict and construction of indigenous autonomy in Tierradentro, Colombia (1994-2016)-
-The dispositif: a Foucauldian metaphor for educational research-
-Politics of Vulnerability: The Body and Social Struggles in Contemporary Social Theory-
-Review of Colombo (2017) Espacios de desaparición-
-Pharmacological subjectifications: Attention deficit disorder, psychostimulants and school practices in two schools in Santiago, Chile-
-The Merlí effect: Television and choice of philosophy related degrees-
-Radical historization and political discourse theory: towards an epistemology of memories of antagonism-
-Militarization of correctional officers in Brazil: public security and subjectivation processes-
-Surveillance practices in the assistance policy ¿Watch to protect?-
-Neither truth nor justice in the massacre of Alto Naya, Colombia-
-Children on Scene. Theater and postmemory in postdictatorship Argentina-
-Pineapple production and environmental conflicts in the Atlantic/Caribbean region, Costa Rica, 1990-2017-
-Loving teen discourse: analysis of the romantic love repertoire from the boys and girls program-
-Contributions of Group Operational Conception of Pichon-Rivière to the Latin American Political Psychology-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 121 a 140 de 1254