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Título : Women bertsolaris: Reclaiming the past And singing the present
Editorial : Fundación iS+D para la Investigación Social Avanzada
Descripción : Over the last decade, in which bertsolaritza has become one of the most significant cultural manifestations in the Basque Country, women bertsolaris have themselves become a model of empowerment. Official records of bertsolaritza date back to the 15th century and women bertsolaris have been singing since that era. However, up until the 20th century they were systematically consigned to oblivion. This paper aims to explore the image that has been created of women over the centuries. Before, women were the object of bertsos (verses) sung by men, but now these are sung by both men and women. There are currently 200 women bertsolaris and 25 of them have been selected to form discussion groups focusing on the image portrayed of women in bertsolaritza. These 25 viewpoints represent the elite of those women currently working in the field of bertsolaritza. Their accounts were collected, transcribed and cross-referenced by nine researchers. Subsequently, they were classified and interpreted using the Nvivo 11 analysis system. The main conclusion is that it was women bertsolaris who paved the way into changing the image of women from being passive objects to active subjects.  Women have gone from being an abstract, foreign and completely stereotypical theme of a masculine discourse to becoming a visible, flesh-and-blood, multi-faceted entity with these female bertsolaris.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Fundación iS+D para la Investigación Social Avanzada - Fundación iS+D - Cosecha

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