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Título : Representation of didactic games in social studies at the primary school level
Palabras clave : primary school;games;teaching;social studies
Editorial : Fundación iS+D para la Investigación Social Avanzada
Descripción : This empirical research sought to establish the representation of didactic games in social studies in the fourth and fifth grades in primary school. The authors examined the frequency with which didactic games are used in social studies, the frequency with which didactic games are used with regard to the different phases of a class session, the most important reason teachers use didactic games in social studies; and students’ opinions on whether it is possible to gain new knowledge via didactic games. The research sample consisted of 290 fourth and fifth grade students, 177 teachers teaching the fourth and fifthgrades, and 56 observed social studies lessons. The results show that teachers rarely use didactic games in social studies. Teachers most commonly use didactic games at the beginning of lessons—in the introduction. Most often, teachers use didactic games to achieve greater motivation and concentration of students and for more diversified and relaxed classes. Also, students believe that by using didactic games in social studies they gain knowledge.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Fundación iS+D para la Investigación Social Avanzada - Fundación iS+D - Cosecha

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