Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Servicio Documentación Multimedia. Sección Departamental de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid - SDM - Cosecha : [2063] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 401 a 420 de 2063
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The police cinema of the Spanish post-war period (1939-1949): a reflection of the early Franco regime-
-Memoria histórica y radio: escuchando la voz de las mujeres-
-Herencia Latente. Documentary photographic project. Festival Robert Capa estuvo aquí, 2021-
-Històries del Punt: oral memory and minor archives for a history of industrial Mataró from below.-
-La memoria histórica de la Guerra Civil en Estados Unidos. Archivo, difusión y educación-
-The Legacy of Juan Negrín López-
-The Annual disaster through the “Expediente Picasso” and the Commission of Responsabilities-
-Literary reviews of the German exile in Europe (1933-1940)-
-Regarding the Pain of Others: the Representation of Migration in Contemporary Photojournalism-
-Feminist repair of historical memory. The journalistic production of Luisa Carnés-
-The beginning and the end of civil war in Catalonia: the testimony of the librarians of the public libraries through their diaries-
-They:Live, the memory of university students (1945-2022). A photographic-contextual art project-
-Rescuing the gaze of the witness. “Testimonial photography” as a way of exposing Holocaust trauma-
-Radio Pirenaica: The Oral Historical Memory of the Grimau Case-
-Accessibility to historical photographic collections managed by public archives. The case of the Photojournalists of Barcelona in the first third of the twentieth century-
-The UNAM Film Library as historical and collective memory-
-Dissemination of the audiovisual heritage of television in networks: official profiles on Twitter-
-Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA) and the management of television archives in the digital environment-
-The documentation of audiovisual material in the news programmes in digital television.-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 401 a 420 de 2063