Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Servicio Documentación Multimedia. Sección Departamental de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid - SDM - Cosecha : [2063] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1121 a 1140 de 2063
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Reading clubs in Aragón: a descriptive analysis of a social-cultural practice of animation and reading promotion-
-Outcome of archival management in the Archives System of the Catholic religious congregation of Priests of the Blessed Sacrament in Spain.-
-Archival classification by processes: an experience in the University of Havana.-
-Study and description of the Record of Settlement Juros Convent of Santa Clara of Medina de Pomar (1432-1882)-
-Study of bookbindings of Charles Joachim Colbert de Croissy deposited at the Complutense Library-
-Monetary enigmas in the local law. The mencales and maravedís in the castillian charters-
-Curriculum information management system and institutional knowledge-
-Integrated knowledge and information audit: a case study-
-Zabala, Jon. "Los impresos antiguos. Génesis material y repercusión en la transmisión de los textos"-
-López López, Pedro; Vives i Gracia, Joseph. "Ética y derechos humanos para bibliotecas y archivos"-
-The Standard ISO 15489-1 in German and Spanish: an Interlinguistic Comparison-
-Analysis of doctoral theses on tutoring: bibliometric approach and thematic trends-
-Analysis and reformulation of the knowledge organization of Communication field: application for UNESCO code-
-Project management at information professionals’ education: international analysis in the Library and Information Science curriculum-
-College radio as coaching professional. Analysis of the relationship between the degrees and Spanish university radio-
-Reflections from a reference service: proposals for improving the attention given to citizens in archives-
-Spanish Photography Yearbooks between the Autarchy and the Transition A Documentary Analysis (1958-1980)-
-Situation of the profession of public librarian at the University of Majorca (1770-1808)-
-Fadrique Alvarez de Toledo, 2nd Duke of Alba, and his Book Inventory (1531): a Patrimonial Library-
-The Popularisation of Football in Spain. An Analysis of the Phenomenon through the Specialised Literature of Football (1920-1936)-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1121 a 1140 de 2063