Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Servicio Documentación Multimedia. Sección Departamental de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. Universidad Complutense de Madrid - SDM - Cosecha : [2063] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1081 a 1100 de 2063
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The existence of implicit pedagogical theories among the Information Culture Program (ICP) instructors at the Sistema de Bibliotecas of the Universidad de Antioquia-
-Capaccioni, Andrea: "Le origini della biblioteca contemporanea. Un istituto in cerca di identità tra Vecchio e Nuovo Continente (secoli XVII-XIX)". Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2017, 168 págs. Colección Biblioteconomia e Scienza dell’Informazione, nº13-
-Gallo león. José Pablo: "Los edificios de bibliotecas universitarias. Planificación y evaluación". Gijón: Trea, 2017, 368 pag.-
-The books printed by Agustín de Paz for the bishopric of Oviedo (1555-1559): A case-study of a diocesan publishing project during the Council of Trent-
-Documentary Linguistics in front of the Social Paradigm-
-Kossoy, Boris: "Hercule Florence. El descubrimiento aislado de la fotografía". Madrid: Cátedra. Colección Grandes Temas, 2017, 272 pag.-
-Iconic reading values in higher education students: identification and development of proposals-
-Co-authorship networks as a tool for evaluating the scientific production of research groups-
-Integration of LMS platform and open source algorithm for detection and prevention of plagiarism in Higher Education-
-Design and implementation of the Information Repository of the Study Center CAD/CAM at the University of Holguin: technology for the management of scientific production-
-The behavior in seeking information UNAM researchers belonging to the National System of Researchers-
-Project management at academic libraries: professional perception in Latin American countries-
-Study of bookbindings of Jacques-Nicolas Colbert deposited at the Complutense Library-
-Schmarzo, Bill. Big Data: El poder de los datos. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia, 2014, 245 págs. ISBN: 978-84415-3576-3-
-Usability Evaluation of the Institutional Repository of Brasília’s University-
-Talking in the cloud: How to organize a virtual book club-
-The portal of the public libraries network of Castilla-la Mancha. Case study-
-Can it define what is content from the information management?-
-The private library of the Infanta María Isabel Francisca de Asís Borbón, “la Chata”-
-Conceptual representation of digital medical images: Integrating Context and Visual Content-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1081 a 1100 de 2063