Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : A critical overview of migration and development: The Latin American challenge
Autor : 10070
Palabras clave : CIENCIAS SOCIALES [5];info:eu-repo/classification/Southern perspective;info:eu-repo/classification/Transnationalism;info:eu-repo/classification/Internal migration;info:eu-repo/classification/International migration;info:eu-repo/classification/Migration governance;info:eu-repo/classification/Human rights
Editorial : Annual Reviews
Descripción : There is an intense ongoing debate on migration and development in LatinAmerica. This article offers a critical overview of themain perspectives surrounding the Latin American debate across the social sciences. A brief historical background is provided, followed by a characterization of the three main paradigms prevailing in the region: the dominant perspective, grounded in modernization and neoliberal principles; the southern perspective, which has growing influence in the region and is rooted in theLatin American development school; and the transnational approach, which stands in between the first two paradigms and is circumscribed to a meso-level of analysis. The final section highlights five cutting-edge topics that have emerged in the region’s scholarship. The article emphasizes the specificity and the main contributions made by Latin American scholars to understanding and demystifying the complex relationship between migration, development, and human rights.
Otros identificadores : info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
eSSN: 1545-2115
Aparece en las colecciones: Unidad Académica en Estudios del Desarrollo - UAED/UAZ - Cosecha

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