Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : Review of nanotechnology value chain for water treatment applications in Mexico
Autor : 211647
Palabras clave : TECNOLOGÍA Y CAMBIO SOCIAL [6];info:eu-repo/classification/Nanotechnologies;info:eu-repo/classification/Water treatment;info:eu-repo/classification/Water deprivation;info:eu-repo/classification/Nanotecnología;info:eu-repo/classification/Agua - Tratamiento;info:eu-repo/classification/Aguas - Contaminación
Editorial : Tomsk Polytechnik University
Descripción : Nanotechnologies are part of a new industrial platform with the capability to surpass existing tech-intensive systems for water treatment. Accordingly, many countries apply nanotechnology-based processes to solve problems associated with water. The authors of this article review the state of nanotech applications for water treatment in Mexico. To this purpose, they follow the trajectory of the nanotech package; from research and development to its commercialization. The study encompassed several stages: a bibliometric analysis (publications), a database with all the research groups looking at this issue, a catalog of all related patents and, finally, an overview of Mexican nano-companies in the water sector.
Otros identificadores : info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
Aparece en las colecciones: Unidad Académica en Estudios del Desarrollo - UAED/UAZ - Cosecha

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