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Título : Teaching competencies assessment
Palabras clave : Educación;Competency assessment;assessment of teaching competencies;evaluative culture;problems of evaluative sense;methods;assessment processes;assessment innovation
Editorial : Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Descripción : Teaching assessment is a fundamental aspect of the formative activities of teachers; however, this paper focuses on the assessment of core competencies to achieve quality teaching. Two visions of evaluation are examined: formative and self-assessment for professional development, both applied to the appraisal that teachers expect to reach in the mastery of the competencies of professional identity, planning, tutorial, methodological, communicative, technological and evaluative. New limitations are stated to incorporate the assessment of competencies as a basis and culture, in the professional development and, in turn, point out difficulties in assessing students' competencies if the teacher does not generate or integrate teaching competencies assessment into his professional practice. The most notable finding in this regard is the integration of new teaching heuristic styles that help to create a culture of evaluation of teaching competencies to advance towards an innovative process. The option chosen by the authors of this paper is to carry out evaluative processes to ensure the professional development of teachers, and realize the transformative effect that the assessment has as practice and reflective-transforming culture, integrating self-assessment, peer-assessment and hetero-evaluation.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas - DIE-Cinvestav - Cosecha

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