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dc.creatorMayra Ordaz Hernández-
dc.creatorLeany Fernández Esquijarosa-
dc.creatorYusleivy Valdés Quiñones-
dc.creatorJuan Lázaro Márquez Marrero-
dc.creatorKatia María Pérez Pacheco-
dc.creatorNivia Esther Alum Dopico-
dc.descriptionExploratory and cross-sectional research in the major of psychology at the Universidad de Pinar del Río (UPR), 2007-2008, to characterize the process of assessing educational guidance with theoretical analysis and empirical evidence. The sample consists of: the coordination, tutors and students. 10 dimensions and 40 indicators were determined which were combined into a system of instruments -interview, survey, documental analysis and observation- applied and processed quantitatively and qualitatively. Results: the aforementioned process has proper planning, but poor execution of actions; has no instruments; the preparation, training, cognitive needs and motivation of managers and tutors is still insufficient and they do not have access to information on the subject. Students and tutors are not involved in the evaluation.-
dc.publisherInstituto Politécnico Nacional-
dc.rightsInnovación Educativa-
dc.sourceInnovación Educativa (México) Num.53 Vol.10-
dc.subjectAssessment process-
dc.subjecteducational guidance-
dc.subjectCuban university-
dc.subjectmajor of psychology-
dc.titleEvaluation process of educational guidance Methodology for characterization in the Cuban university-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas - DIE-Cinvestav - Cosecha

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