Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
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dc.creatorClaudia Marina Vicario Solórzano-
dc.descriptionDistance and virtual education is no longer a global trend, is the new territory of learning and a great opportunity for innovation and educational revolution. It results in the urgency that this trend has to have perspective instruments in order to draw scenarios for the future from different backgrounds. Hence the value of the Iberoamerica Horizon Report, where, technological emergencies identified as the key to transforming the region are envisioned for the first time, particularly their implications in the educational dimension. The challenge of this contribution is to analyze the six technological trends of the Report and reflect on its potential impact on Iberoamerican distance education and, in turn, highlight the role of institutions of distance higher education in the educational transformation processes towards digital and knowledge societies.-
dc.publisherInstituto Politécnico Nacional-
dc.rightsInnovación Educativa-
dc.sourceInnovación Educativa (México) Num.52 Vol.10-
dc.subjectIberoamerica Horizon Project-
dc.subjectIberoamerica Horizon Report 2010-
dc.titleDistance education in Iberoamerica in light of the Horizon Project: key technologies, trends and challenges-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas - DIE-Cinvestav - Cosecha

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