Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


El Colegio de la Frontera Sur - ECOSUR - Cosecha : [687] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 461 a 480 de 687
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Cattle ranching with a lower environmental cost: a challenge between the personal and the political-
-Transformations of Coffee Cultivation in Chiapas: An Analysis of the Crises Through the Adaptive Renewal Cycle Approach-
-The Organic Layer in Paraná Delta Wetlands (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Struggles on its Conceptualization and its Value-
-Socioenvironmental Estimation of Peasant Hydraulics-
-Scientific Discourses About Ecological Restoration in Mexico-
-Traditional Knowledge and Academy: Small Scale Maguey and Mezcal Farmers in the Northern and Central regions of Guerrero, Mexico-
-History of Coffee Production in Chiapas (1880-2010). Notes on a Social and Environmental Evolution-
-Perception and Forms of Rainwater Management by Users in a Mexican Caribbean Community-
-From Payment for Hydrological Environmental Services to Matching Funds: a Social Perception Study in a Forest Community of Oaxaca, Mexico-
-The Enforceability of the Human Right to Water and the Arsenic Challenge in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina-
-Social Perception of Wind Mega-projects in the State of Yucatán: The Case of the Chicxulub Wind Farm-
-Risks Related to Pesticide Use: Practices, Perceptions and Health Consequences in the Colombian and Venezuelan Páramos-
-Legal-political Challenges of ENAREDD+ Mexico: Legitimacy of Social Participation and Forest Ownership-
-Los infinitos tentáculos del neoliberalismo verde-
-Local Knowledge in Disaster Situations: Toward a Notion of Cultural and Ecological Legacy-
-Land-Use Planning, Groundwater and Socio-Political Participation in Bacalar, Quintana Roo, Mexico-
-Inter-organizational Framework for Civil Protection in Bariloche, Argentina: Resilience and Risk Management Facing Volcanic Phenomena-
-The Biocultural Diversity of Fruit Species in Homegardens of San Andrés Nicolás Bravo, Malinalco, Mexico-
-Contrasting Views on Conservation in the Urban Periphery: Winners and Losers of Conservation Areas in Mexico City-
-Territorial Dynamics around the Malpaso Dam in Chiapas (1960-2011): Building, Working and Staying-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 461 a 480 de 687