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Título : Mito e Ilustración en el pensamiento de Frankfurt
Palabras clave : Política;modernidad;razón;ilustración;pensamiento;mito;Escuela de Frankfurt
Editorial : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Descripción : Dialectics of Enlightenment by T.W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer may lead to the misunderstanding of reason and tought as two equal terms. A link between these two terms is created through a metonymy mechanism which constantly refers one term to the other as if they were synomyms. However, the first problem in confusing these two terms also Horkheimer's problem in Critic to the Instrumental Reason lays on one side, in establishing the difference between "objective reason" and "metaphysics" and on the other, in placing the myth from a value point of view within this second category. This paper explores the clues which allow us to talk about myth and enlightenment as two equal terms and which allow the reduction of both to metaphysics in the thought of the Frankfurt School.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales - FCPyS/UNAM - Cosecha

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