Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Económicas - FCHE/UNAL - Cosecha : [713] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 713
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The Communist Party of Chile and the Social Demonstrations against the Dictatorship: Political Violence and Rupture of the Dictatorial Order. Santiago, 1980-1987-
-Indians and Encomenderos: An Approach to the Encomienda From a Political Culture and Tribute Covenant Perspective. Cauca River Valley, 1680-1750-
-Republican Colonialism, Violence and Mapuche Racial Subordination in Chile during the Twentieth Century-
-Social Imaginaries and Embryonic Design Practices in the Work of José Rodrigo de Vivero in the Savannas of the South of Bolívar-
-The Commerce in the Epistolary of the Nineteenth Centuary: Approach to the Archive of Mamerto García Montoya, 1843-1847-
-Índice Volumen 2018-
-The Production, Exchange, and Taxation of Cotton from Temperate Climates to the Neogranadine Central Andes in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth centuries-
-Citizenship and Election in Nueva Granada. Its Definitions and Regulation, 1821-1853-
-Local Histories in the Perspective of Jaime Jaramillo Uribe. The Cases of Pereira and Bogotá (Colombia-
-Historiography of Madness and Psychiatry in Colombia: from Medical Writers to the Critical Perspective, 1968-2018-
-The 1984 Referendum on the Beagle Conflict in the Discourse of the Argentinian Patagonian Press. The Rio Negro Journal Case-
-Demographic Changes in the State of Campeche (Mexico). Conflicts, Development and Economy, 1846-1910-
-The Government of Popayán and the Differentiation in the Mining Borders of the Pacific. The Relations of Command of the Colonial Rulers in Nueva Granada, 1729-1818-
-The Mexican Press on the Justification of Anti-communism, 1959-1970-
-Indice Volumen 2017-
-Tensions and Struggles in Creating the School Knowhow for the Enrollment of Toddlers in Colombian Elementary Schools, 1870-1930-
-Schools in the Parochial Turmoil: Local Conflict and Dispute in the Province of Popayán in the State of New Granada, 1832-1851-
-The Mystery of Mysteries. The Galápagos Islands in Ecuador and the Work "The Origin of Species"-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 713