Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : Aproximación a las creencias del profesorado sobre el papel de la educación formal, la escuela y el trabajo docente
Palabras clave : Estudios Territoriales;beliefs;school;teaching staff;Tijuana;opinions;formal education
Editorial : El Colegio de Sonora
Descripción : The main purpose of this text is to explore teaching staff?s beliefs about the meaning of school, formal training, and their role as teachers in the border regional context of Northern Mexico. Supposedly, these aspects define the proposals for education modernization, which is the basis of new national education policies. Beliefs are conceived as the readiness of individuals to act in a certain way, and not in another, depending on particular situations. Through a descriptive approach, we explore some Tijuana teachers? beliefs and opinions, and conclude that traditional and common sense beliefs, as well as the positivist and behavorial paradigms continue to guide many of their daily practices, mixed contradictorily with the speeches derived from changes made in the plans and programs that encourage constructive, reflexive and critical approaches. It is concluded that the estudy of the beliefs is relevant in order to know and understand how to use this knowledge in designing mechanisms that generate shared beliefs as a support for the redefinition of responsibilities and the setting of common goals.
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Aparece en las colecciones: El Colegio de Sonora - COLSON - Cosecha

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