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dc.creatorGabriela García Figueroa-
dc.creatorSergio Sandoval Godoy-
dc.descriptionThe characteristics and the course of the model of labor relations in Ford Hermosillo, in the light of the role played by the different action strategies and decision making by the management, the workers and the union are analized here. The objective is to characterize the processes of experimentation, learning and response in the last 15 years. With this aim, the system of labor relations as a space which changes under uncertain-structurally external and internacional conditions, where work procedures and negotiations are settled, is analysed here. Also, it is approached as an space for politization which structures the conflicting areas and the shaping of the company. From this viewpoint, there?s an evident business and labor praxis qualitatively different to other experiences, so the action and transformation processes of the company can be understood as complicated phenomena which reveals the different responses at the capital-work relationship level.-
dc.publisherEl Colegio de Sonora-
dc.rightsRegión y Sociedad-
dc.sourceRegión y Sociedad (México) Num.24 Vol.XIV-
dc.subjectEstudios Territoriales-
dc.subjectlabor relations-
dc.subjectdecision making-
dc.subjectwork procedures-
dc.subjecttransformation processes-
dc.subjectcapital-work relationship-
dc.titleEstrategias y actores sociales: trayectoria del modelo de relaciones laborales en Ford Hermosillo (1986-2001)-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: El Colegio de Sonora - COLSON - Cosecha

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