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dc.creatorAraceli Almaraz Alvarado-
dc.creatorArturo Lara Rivero-
dc.descriptionThis paper aims at showing developments in technological learning within maquiladoras from the perspective of social actors. For that purpose, the structuring of incentives to workers, employment rules and hierarchy as factors of reference are considered, as well as the role played by groups of direct workers (manual workers and supervisors) in this process. The sources of information from other studies and the field work done allow us to corroborate statements and contrast behaviours in some cities along the northern border of Mexico throughout this document. The objective of contributions of this analytic exercise is to place the strategic role of supervisor in learning process at the focus of theoretical discussion, to recover the turn over variable as an indicator of technological learning and of local employment routines, and to emphasize the importance of the structuring of incentives to the increase in competitive capacities of workers.-
dc.publisherEl Colegio de Sonora-
dc.rightsRegión y Sociedad-
dc.sourceRegión y Sociedad (México) Num.24 Vol.XIV-
dc.subjectEstudios Territoriales-
dc.subjecttechnological learning-
dc.subjectmanual workers-
dc.subjectcompetitive capacities-
dc.titleRotación, estructura de estímulos y aprendizaje tecnológico en la industria maquiladora del norte de México-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: El Colegio de Sonora - COLSON - Cosecha

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