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dc.creatorMiguel Ángel Vázquez Ruiz-
dc.descriptionThe globalization of economic processes, at first sight, suggests a very inter- related world of homogenous dimensions, with equal opportunities of development for all countries. But reality comes about with another logic: globalization furthers very segmented dynamics, where the world experiences the paradox of the establishment of regional blocks among countries and regions that are differentiated within such blocks. In this sense, border areas are one of the spaces where presently, due to one reason or another, peculiar relations occur. There are countries where border ties are expressed as ethnic and religious conflicts, whereas, there are others, in which the most important connections are of an economic and demographic nature. This is the case of the Mexico-US border, space where one of the most intense binational relations between countries takes place. This article intends to review Mexico?s northern border and the United States southern border, considering it a region integrated by two subregions: the one of the United States and the one of Mexico. For such purpose, the most important theoretical approaches is reviewed in order to understand said reality. Its review is proposed in view of its constant modifications that lead to very fast depletions in the ? paradigms ? of analysis used by each author who writes about the subject. This statement is documented with the contribution of qualitative and quantitative elements about the parts that form the region, particularly underscoring the different modalities of economic corridors as means to link the ? subregions ? . Statements are also made that lead to reflect on aspects that have been little studied in the latter, such as the pro file of the business actors, that is basic to understand their levels of competitiveness in globalization as of a regional platform .-
dc.publisherEl Colegio de Sonora-
dc.rightsRegión y Sociedad-
dc.sourceRegión y Sociedad (México) Num.17 Vol.XI-
dc.subjectEstudios Territoriales-
dc.subjectUSA-Mexico borderline-
dc.subjectEconomic corridors-
dc.subjectBorderline economics-
dc.titleRegión e integración fronteriza México-Estados Unidos-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: El Colegio de Sonora - COLSON - Cosecha

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