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Diversidad de la Oferta Televisiva Mexicana: Dos Semanas de 1999

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dc.creator Juan Enrique Huerta Wong 2000 2022-03-22T17:31:28Z 2022-03-22T17:31:28Z
dc.description This ar ti cle pro vides an anal y sis of the open tele vi sion's pro gram ming in Mex ico. This is part of a re search pro gram con ducted un der the aus pices of Cátedra Televisa. The sam ple tries to be rep re sen ta tive of the first se mes ter of 1999. The main vari ables were: source of pro gram ming, macrogenre and genre. We ar gue that di ver sity in the pro gram of fer ing is an im por tant de sir able fac tor in a com mu ni ca tion sys tem dur ing a pe riod of tran si tion to wards de moc racy. We find sig nif i cant ac cu mu la tion of gen res as well as sources of pro gram ming, par tic u larly dur ing peak view ing hours. We con clude that tele vi sion be haves in a way con - trary to the in ter est of a di verse pop u la tion, skew ing the per cep tion of re al ity and there fore not com ply ing with its func tion.
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language en
dc.publisher Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
dc.rights Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales
dc.source Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales (México) Num.22 Vol.7
dc.subject Sociología
dc.subject Di ver sity
dc.subject pro gram ming
dc.subject ac count abil ity
dc.subject tele vi sion and sup ply
dc.title Diversidad de la Oferta Televisiva Mexicana: Dos Semanas de 1999
dc.type artículo científico

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