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Variegated points of view: focalization in Bel-Ami by Guy de Maupassant

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dc.creator Hervot, Brigitte Monique 2015-08-31 2022-03-18T18:38:19Z 2022-03-18T18:38:19Z
dc.description Maupassant learned very early that art and talent are achieved through the look as Flaubert had taught him. In Bel-Ami (1885) the central point to the author is to transmit in a vivid way, using a narrator, the metamorphosis of an ambitious young man, and is also to show, especially using focalization, his growing capacity for love, social and material matters. More than telling a story, Maupassant shows to his reader the looks on the hero, looks that cross and reflect themselves explicitly and constantly along the narrative and through which the character reveals and situates himself in the reality sorrounding him. en-US
dc.description Maupassant aprendeu desde cedo que a arte e o talento passam pelo olhar, conforme lhe ensinara Flaubert. Em Bel-Ami (1885), a questão central para o autor é conseguir transmitir, de maneira viva, a metamorfose de um jovem ambicioso, contando – por meio do narrador – e, sobretudo, mostrando – por meio do focalizador –, sua ascensão no plano amoroso, material e social. Mais do que contar sua história, Maupassant mostra ao leitor os olhares que pousam no seu herói, olhares que se cruzam e se refletem explícita e constantemente no decorrer da narrativa, e, por meio dos quais, a personagem se revela e se situa na realidade que a cerca. pt-BR
dc.format application/pdf
dc.language por
dc.publisher Lettres Françaises pt-BR
dc.rights Copyright (c) 2015 Lettres Françaises pt-BR
dc.source Lettres Françaises; n.15 (2), 2014 pt-BR
dc.source 2526-2955
dc.source 1414-025X
dc.subject Guy de Maupassant en-US
dc.subject Bel-Ami en-US
dc.subject Narrator en-US
dc.subject Focus en-US
dc.subject Guy de Maupassant pt-BR
dc.subject Bel-Ami pt-BR
dc.subject Narrador pt-BR
dc.subject Focalizador pt-BR
dc.title Variegated points of view: focalization in Bel-Ami by Guy de Maupassant en-US
dc.title Pontos de vista matizados: a focalização em Bel-ami, de Maupassant pt-BR
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion

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