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Approaches to Leon Trotsky’s anti-masonry

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dc.creator Pozuelo Andrés, Yván 2020-08-30 2023-03-15T20:00:25Z 2023-03-15T20:00:25Z
dc.identifier 10.46652/pacha.v1i2.23
dc.description This study approaches the relationship between Trotsky and Freemasonry. So far, the academy has analyzed it in a superficial way. This contribution is intended to pave the way for a more detailed analysis of the issue and offer clues to study it. As an example, one of the most named texts on the “French question” in the IV congress of the III International is taken into account by those who wanted to put the “communist mason” or the “communist mason” in check. Leon Trotsky integrated the dynamics of “think, write and spread” daily for a little over forty years. He addressed all the subjects that complete the intellectual curiosity of his time. His pen was the main reflection of his intellectual capacity to capture reflections, opinions, and decisions that have been left for history. He did not fear writing as an indelible mark that could be used for later criticism. His figure was studied mainly around the great historical events in which he participated and in which he was an active “spectator”. In all of them, the shadows of Freemasonry appeared and formed or nurtured in certain sectors of society, and imaginary based on a complot Judeo-Masonic-Communist. This paper analyzes his role and position with respect to the resolution of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International that decided to prohibit French communist leaders from belonging to the obedience of Freemasonry. What was your stance? Why? Was it punctual? What were the political objectives? León Trotsky's position is integrated into the anti-freemasonry of the workers that was built since the beginning of the rise of socialist, anarchist and union organizations in the 19th century in countries such as England, Germany and France that were also territories of strong masonic activity for more than a century. This anti-freemasonry was less studied by academics than the religious-style anti-freemasonry that monopolized the research. Therefore, they should not be confused. This paper presents some notes that contextualize the differences between both anti-freemasonry through the 1922 Moscow resolution on the incompatibility between being a communist leader and a freemason. What was its context? en-US
dc.description Este estudio se acerca a la relación entre Trotsky y la masonería. Hasta el momento, la Academia la analizó de un modo superficial. Con esta aportación se pretende abrir el camino hacia un análisis más en detalle de la cuestión y ofrecer pistas para estudiarla. Como ejemplo se toma en cuenta a uno de los textos más nombrado sobre la “cuestión francesa” en el IV congreso de la III Internacional que quiso poner en jaque al “comunista masón” o al “masón comunista”. León Trotsky integró la dinámica de “pensar, escribir y difundir” a diario durante algo más de cuarenta años. Abordó todos los temas que completa la curiosidad intelectual de su época. Su pluma fue el principal reflejo de su capacidad intelectual para plasmar reflexiones, opiniones y decisiones que quedaron para la historia. No temió a la escritura como huella indeleble que pudiera ser utilizada para una posterior crítica. Su figura fue estudiada sobre todo en torno a los grandes acontecimientos históricos en los que participó y en los que fue un “espectador” activo. En todos ellos, las sombras de la masonería aparecieron y formaron o alimentaron en ciertos sectores de la sociedad un imaginario con base en un complot judeo-masónico-comunista. En este trabajo, se analiza su rol y postura en torno a la resolución del IV Congreso de la Internacional comunista que decidió prohibir a los dirigentes comunistas franceses pertenecer a obediencias masónicas. ¿Cuál fue su postura? ¿Por qué? ¿Fue puntual? ¿Cuáles fueron los objetivos políticos? ¿De qué contexto se nutrió? es-ES
dc.format application/pdf
dc.format application/epub+zip
dc.language spa
dc.rights Derechos de autor 2020 Yván Pozuelo Andrés es-ES
dc.rights es-ES
dc.source Pacha. Revista de Estudios Contemporáneos del Sur Global; Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Dossier. The permanent revolution: Trotsky and the anti-imperialist struggle in the 21st century; 35-50 en-US
dc.source Pacha. Revista de Estudios Contemporáneos del Sur Global; Vol. 1 Núm. 2 (2020): Dossier. La revolución permanente: Trotsky y la lucha antiimperialista en el siglo XXI; 35-50 es-ES
dc.source 2697-3677
dc.subject Trotsky es-ES
dc.subject masonería es-ES
dc.subject Resolución es-ES
dc.subject Internacional comunista es-ES
dc.subject incompatibilidad es-ES
dc.subject Trotsky en-US
dc.subject Freemasonry en-US
dc.subject Resolution en-US
dc.subject Communist International en-US
dc.subject Incompatibility en-US
dc.title Approaches to Leon Trotsky’s anti-masonry en-US
dc.title Aproximaciones a la antimasonería de León Trotsky es-ES
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
dc.type Dossier en-US
dc.type Dossier es-ES

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