Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios Jurídicos y Sociales - CIES/ICESI - Cosecha : [904] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 904
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-La pedagogía de la crueldad en Colombia: necropolítica, derecho a la ciudad y otros males-
-Movimientos sociales: ¿la esperanza política de Latinoamérica?-
-Entre el querer y el no poder: vivir siendo joven en Puerto Tejada, Cauca-
-The The structures of our walls: A reflexive autoethnography about color-
-Ensuring Rights of Victims Under the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine: Current Issues and Prospects-
-The Right to Proof and Its Effective Judicial Protection in Bolivia. Doctrinal Development and Its Treatment in Comparative Legislation, as Well as In the Jurisprudence of the Plurinational Constitutional Court-
-Withdrawal Right and Its Inconsistencies Within Colombian Legal System-
-Transformation of Land Relations in Ukraine to Market Conditions-
-The Different Waves of Citizen Participation in the Constituent Process of 1991-
-The Argentine Legal Culture in the Intellectual Activity of the Colombian Corte de Oro (1935-1940). A Look at the Gaceta Judicial Publications-
-La obligación política como obligación prudencial en el pensamiento filosófico político de Thomas Hobbes-
-Legal Clinical Work for the Protection of the Right to Decent Housing of the Population with Disabilities Victims of the Armed Conflict-
-The Autonomy Challenge: Examining the Pre-emption Thesis in Judicial Reasoning and Precedent-
-The Regulatory Framework Applicable to Crowdfunding Platforms. Comparison Between European Union, Spain and Latin America-
-Venezuelan Population in Peru in Times of COVID-19: Fighting Against Adversity to Achieve Social Inclusion-
-Jimeno-Borrero, J. (2020). La compañía de comercio sevillana entre 1747 y 1848. Diputación de Sevilla.-
-The Silence of Kidnapping Victims and their Meanings-
-Rethink Socio-Legal Practice on the Health, Social and Economic Emergency by COVID-19-
-The Adequacy of Immediate Legality Control for the Protection of Vulnerable Populations Under States of Emergency-
-Sovereignty and International Cooperation: Critical Analysis of the Arrival of American Troops in Colombia, an International Law Perspective-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 904