Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo - CIDER/UNIANDES - Cosecha : [560] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 541 a 560 de 560
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Derecho a la Ciudad: derecho a negociar por unas condiciones materiales de vida.-
-Quéretaro: La dificil construccion de identidad urbana-
-Grandes inversiones en la produccion del territorio metropolitano.-
-La Muralla Urbana-
-Editorial - Marginalidad y Territorio-
-The Impact and the Perception of the Passengers About the Service of the TransMicable in Bogotá D.C., as a Last and First Mile Way-
-Working-class Suburbs in Greater Buenos Aires: An Analysis of its Conformation and Recent Sociodemographic Changes (1991-2010) in the Municipality of Quilmes-
-Railway Networks and Industrial Heritage in the Urban-Territorial Configuration of Pereira: Intermediate City of the Coffee Cultural Landscape-
-Playful City, Struggling City: The Case of Parque Augusta in São Paulo-
-“Here You Have to Play Dead in Order to Live”. The Production of the Presence in the Local Social Area of a Small City of Corrientes Province-
-Implications of the Spatial Distribution of the Public Transport Market in an Intermediate Argentine City. Metropolitan Area of Mendoza-
-The Three Territorial Orders or the Procrustean Syndrome and Other Myths of the Social-Space-Time Relationship in the Colombian State-
-Read the Inequalities in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico-City Using Real Estate Prices-
-The Anthropocene and the Common Space, Levers to Face Climate Change-
-How to be a Recreational Consumer: The Leisure Experience of Young People in Two Malls in Lima; One of High Income and Another of Popular Origin-
-New Challenges between the Official and Local Discourse of the Cultural Heritage Property-
-Food Quality in a Cognitive Economy: The Case of the Wine Designation of Origin “León”-
-Urbanization in Ecuador and the Importance of State Planning in Creating an Intermediate City (2007-2017): The Case of Milagro-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 541 a 560 de 560