Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo - CIDER/UNIANDES - Cosecha : [560] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 341 a 360 de 560
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Inhabiting La Fama Neigborhood: Spaces of Collective Identity and Memory-
-Archivos Finales-
-Curriculum vitae de los miembros de los Comités Editorial y Científico-
-Evaluadores de los números 30 y 31-
-Últimas ediciones-
-Political-administrative Division and Political Representation in the City Government. A Comparative, Historical and Territorial Analysis of London, Medellín and Río de Janeiro-
-Political Ideology and Urban Ideology: the Case of the Modern Movement in Bogota (1930-1950)-
-Residential Segregation and Daily Mobility in the Metropolitan Context. A Case Study Based on the Relations between Bogotá and Soacha-
-Logic of Afforable Housing Association in Medellín, Approach from Public Politics. Focusing and Development, 1950-2014-
-Patrimonial and Tourist Strategies: His Incident in the Urban Configuration. The Case of Rosario, Argentina-
-Social Production, Participative Process and Sustainable Intervention in the Public Space of Historical Centers. The Case of Pamplona, Colombia-
-Landscape and Cultural Heritage in Images: A Study of São Miguel das Missões, Brazil-
-Three Modern Elements of Urban Heritage Diffuse in Tunja, Boyacá-
-Contentious Collective Action, Political Process and Urban Security. Building Geographies Hope-
-Organizations or Social Movements? Outline of a Critique of a Conceptual Distinction. The Case of Social Organizations in Mexico City-
-Collective Actions and Territorial Public Policies: the Case of Victims in Medellín-
-Citizen Participation and Territory in Greater Buenos Aires Participação cidadã e território na Grande Buenos Aires-
-Análisis espacial y regional: crecimiento, concentración económica, desarrollo y espacio-
-Segregación espacial y políticas públicas. Mirada cruzada entre Francisco Sabatini y Jorge Iván González-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 341 a 360 de 560