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Título : La educación como (no)disciplina: consecuencias desreguladoras a nivel del doctorado en Chile
Palabras clave : Sociología;Key words;sociology of disciplines;field;differentiation;habitus;education
Editorial : Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Descripción : From a sociological-structural perspective, the socio-historical constitution of disciplines and fields is analyzed along with their constant differentiations and disputes for legitimacy. Disciplines, as institutionalizations of science, generate inclusions and exclusions but, above all, disciplines of their communications. The disciplines therefore form symbolic traditions that denote phenomena and that govern change and disciplinary permanence. Education, from this perspective, fails to establish itself as a discipline even though it is often treated as such. The result is a steady deregulation of this field of knowledge (education) which is reflected by the lack of specificity regarding training content, especially at the graduate level. Graduate school in education, furthermore, faces an impossibility of cultural regulation in its offer. It is empirically argued from the Chilean case.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias Políticas y Administración Pública - CIPAP/UAEM - Cosecha

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