Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : 3. The theology of politics : toward a Latin American ecclesiology
Autor : Dussel, Enrique D.
Palabras clave : Clero;Cristianismo;Historia;Iglesia;Religión;Rol de la mujer;Secularización;Teología de la liberación;Teología política
Fecha de publicación : 1978
Editorial : Orbis Books
Resumen : In this chapter I would like to dwell on the following theme: a Latin American ecclesiology .Here I will deal with another article of the creed: "I believe in the Holy Spirit, in the Holy Church"; this is how the most ancient of creeds states it (Denzinger, 1963; no. II). I intend to go into the theology of politics. The question we should ask ourselves is: What is the function of the church in world history? Or, more simply: What is the function of the church? On previous occasions I have pointed out that to deal with the history of the church is to deal with ecclesiology. I want to treat this theme in more depth.
ISBN : 0-88344-115-2
Aparece en las colecciones: Otros Autores

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