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Título : Eco-theology, climate justice and food security : theological education and christian leadership development
Autor : Werner, Dietrich
Jeglitzka, Elisabeth
Palabras clave : Catolicismo;Cristianismo;Instituciones educativas;Justicia climática;Liderazgo;Protestantismo;Seguridad alimentaria;Teología
Fecha de publicación : 2016
Editorial :
Resumen : Since climate change and ecological destruction are getting more and more menacing for humanity, climate issues provide a global challenge which should be reflected also in theological education and formation worldwide. This publication brings together a pertinent collection of perspectives and resources for theological education and Christian leadership development, authored by leading experts from around the globe that were presented during the Volos study consultation, marking the end of a 3-year study on eco-theology, climate justice and food security.
ISBN : 978-2-88931-144-6
Aparece en las colecciones: Otros Autores

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