Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Museo Gustavo Le Paige - IIAM/UCN - Cosecha : [814] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 814
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-De About Smoking practices and smoking complexes during the Early Ceramic period in northern semiarid region of Chile.-
-Feminisms, Historiographies and Border Territories. The wars and the formation of the Andean and Paraná Triple-frontiers (19th century):-
-Between the yungas and the sea: Circulation of mollusks in early hunters-collectors of the Puna, austral extreme of the central Andes-
-Covenants of submission or acts of rebellion? Una aproximación histórica y antropológica a los mapuche de la costa de Arauco-
-Estudios Atacameños today and the challenges of the future-
-La Unedited Gaze: Kawésqar Women and Men in the journal and watercolours of Lieutenant Vereker (H.M.S. Alert, 1879)-
-A genetic-historical analysis of the Antofagasta Region population shows discontinuity between the coast and the interior valleys-
-The The chakana in the spatial configuration at El Shincal de Quimivil (Catamarca)-
-Warp and weft: Towards a biography of the Huayatayoc agropastoralist site (Cusi Cusi, Jujuy Puna, Argentina)-
-Politics, representations, networks and transits. Contributions for the study of the Southern Andes (15-20 centuries)-
-In Memoriam: Alejandro R. Isla (1944-2019)-
-60 volumes, 45 years-
-Family compositions and marriage configurations on aboriginal genealogical networks from eastern Jujuy, XIXth. Century-
-“…and we’re all going down!” Underground ontologies in conflict in Tierra Amarilla-
-The Agrarian question and the copper in the Province of El Loa (1929/30 - 2006/07). Andes south-central, northern Chile-
-The Destroyer of huacas. The action of Manuel B. Zavaleta in the constitution of the "archaeological heritage" and the support of the Argentine state, late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries-
-Objetos textiles, pasos y caminantes trasandinos.: Piezas similares y rasgos comunes en textiles arqueológicos de Argentina y Chile.-
-La casa, el sendero y el mundo.: Significados culturales de la arqueología, la cultura material y el paisaje en la Puna de Atacama.-
-El tráfico caravanero visto desde La Jara.-
-Registro e investigación del arte rupestre en la Cuenca de Atacama (Informe Preliminar).-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 814