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Título : Injuries and oviposition of Oncideres impluviata (Germar) (Col.: Cerambycidae) in Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) Macbr.
Injúrias e oviposição de Oncideres impluviata (Germar) (Col.: Cerambycidae) em Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) Macbr.
Palabras clave : twig-girdling beetles;damage;girdling;forest tree;Besouro-serrador;danos;roletamento;pau-jacaré
Editorial : Federal University of Piauí
Descripción : Beetles from genus Oncideres, known as twig girdler, have the habit of girdle branches of healthytrees, where they lay their eggs, to establish an appropriate environment to the development ofthe larvae. This study had the objective of characterize the injuries caused by O. impluviata inPiptadenia gonoacantha, quantify and position the eggs incisions in trees of this forest specie. Theresults showed that 63.16% of girdled branches were located on the upper third of the trees, withaverage girdle height above ground of 2.76±0.14 m. The average diameter and height of girdledbranches were 1.32±0.04 cm and 1.18±0.03 m, respectively. The average number of incisions perbranch was 5.9±1.24, which were located at higher frequency on the lower third of girdled branch.Can be concluded that the twig girdle beetle O. impluviata girdle mostly lateral branches locatedat the upper third of the tree and lay their eggs mostly on the lower third of the girdled branch,decreasing as advance to the upper third of the twig.
Besouros do gênero Oncideres, conhecidos por serradores, possuem o hábito de roletar galhos deárvores em pleno vigor, onde fazem incisões de posturas, para estabelecer, assim, um ambienteadequado para o desenvolvimento da fase jovem. O presente estudo objetivou caracterizaras injúrias causadas por O. impluviata em pau-jacaré (Piptadenia gonoacantha), quantificar eposicionar as incisões de postura em árvores de um plantio dessa essência florestal. Os resultadosmostraram que 63,16% dos galhos roletados se encontravam no terço superior das árvores, comaltura média dos roletamentos, em relação ao solo, igual a 2,76±0,14 m. O diâmetro e o comprimentomédios dos galhos roletados foram iguais a 1,32±0,04 cm e 1,18±0,03 m, respectivamente. O númeromédio de incisões de postura por galho foi de 5,9±1,24 as quais estavam, com maior freqüência, naparte basal do galho roletado. Diante do exposto, pode-se concluir que o serrador O. impluviataroleta em sua maioria galhos laterais situados no terço superior da árvore e suas incisões de posturasão realizadas principalmente no terço inferior do galho roletado diminuindo a medida que avançano sentido apical do galho. Injuries and oviposition of Oncideres impluviata (Germar)(Col.: Cerambycidae) in Piptadenia gonoacantha (Mart.) Macbr.AbstractBeetles from genus Oncideres, known as twig girdler, have the habit of girdle branches of healthytrees, where they lay their eggs, to establish an appropriate environment to the development ofthe larvae. This study had the objective of characterize the injuries caused by O. impluviata inPiptadenia gonoacantha, quantify and position the eggs incisions in trees of this forest specie. Theresults showed that 63.16% of girdled branches were located on the upper third of the trees, withaverage girdle height above ground of 2.76±0.14 m. The average diameter and height of girdledbranches were 1.32±0.04 cm and 1.18±0.03 m, respectively. The average number of incisions perbranch was 5.9±1.24, which were located at higher frequency on the lower third of girdled branch.Can be concluded that the twig girdle beetle O. impluviata girdle mostly lateral branches locatedat the upper third of the tree and lay their eggs mostly on the lower third of the girdled branch,decreasing as advance to the upper third of the twig.
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Aparece en las colecciones: Núcleo de Pesquisa sobre Crianças, Adolescestes e Jovens - Universidade Federal do Piauí - NUPEC/UFPI - Cosecha

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