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Título : Editorial English
Palabras clave : Editorial - Educação;Educação
Editorial : Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Descripción : It is with great pleasure that we are launching this current issue of the journal: ETD - Digital Thematic Education. Usually we face the question: what is needed to produce a good journal? Automatically we get an answer: if we just only have an editorial team and maintain a partnership with authors and contributors who wisely want to share their knowledge and publish their works in a recognized means of communication! Note that good papers, before being accepted for publication, require peer review. Common sense states that a scientific article may present an interesting idea, a research problem, discuss relevant data, and also, perform effective observations, since the following of this script will lead the work to be accepted and published. The second stage, the technical one, is under the responsibility of a capable staff, with technical skills, such as: formatting, revision and standardization of information, translation, and finally, the publication itself. This process, observing the steps to be followed, is part of a cycle that reinforces the production of an excellent journal.
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Faculdade de Educação. Universidad Estadual de Campinas - FE/UNICAMP - Cosecha

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