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Título : Editorial: English
Palabras clave : Educação - Editorial;Educação
Editorial : Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Descripción : This new issue of ETD – Educação Temática Digital (Digital Thematic Education) is the fulfillment of a higher objective of its editorial and technical staff, which intends to maintain the purpose of being “The Journal of the Educator/Researcher”. In this way, we seek for the excellence of published works, besides betting in the interdisciplinarity as the best way to address a subject as complex as Education, not to mention the evaluation of ANPEd / Qualis that certified ETD with the concept “A” comprising journals of National circulation...
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Faculdade de Educação. Universidad Estadual de Campinas - FE/UNICAMP - Cosecha

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