Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Faculdade de Educação. Universidad Estadual de Campinas - FE/UNICAMP - Cosecha : [2783] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 2783
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Perceptions of teacher educators about their pedagogical practices-
-The educational role of university libraries: mapping of difficulties and interests of undergraduate and postgraduate students in academic work-
-Teaching stage in question : formation and implications-
-Using educational game in civil engineering: making pavement design fun with "dimensione"-
-ProUni and capital returns in private higher education institutions: advantages beyond direct profit from public funding-
-Internationalization of higher education: the case of a community university in the north region of Santa Catarina-
-The use of digital technologies in teaching mathematics: resources, perceptions and challenges-
-Institutional factor for dropout in higher education: analysis of brazilian academic production-
-Pedagogical practices in higher education: experience reports with didactics in pre-service teaching courses-
-Active methodologies in brazilian higher health education: an integrative review in face of evidence-based practice paradigm-
-Innovative methodologies in science education: an account of experience on the creation of a card game as a collaborative approach-
-The fiftieth anniversary of higher education in the west of Santa Catarina : dynamics and trends (1968-2018)-
-The health system in the student assistance of the UFV: the perception of undergraduate students benefited by the PNAES-
-Weaving knowledge about assistive technologies for the deaf subject in higher education-
-Political education in health databases: an integrative review-
-The research ethics committee as a space for continuing education of the university professor-
-The researches on higher teaching education in the Brazilian context: challenges to think about the formation in Sciences-
-Successful experiences report in scientific initiation: the use of interdisciplinary and teamwork-
-The acquisition of didactic-pedagogic skills by higher education teachers-
-International models of higher education and the university nowadays-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 81 a 100 de 2783