Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Faculdade de Educação. Universidad Estadual de Campinas - FE/UNICAMP - Cosecha : [2783] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 221 a 240 de 2783
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-The conditionaly of the assessing statte and its implications in the evaluation and mercantilized expansion of brazilian higher education-
-Concept reinterpreted during the century: from Durkheim’s individualist intellectual to Bourdieu’s collective intelectual-
-New way of access to public higher education: a state of knowledge on the Unified Selection System – SiSU-
-The information and communication technologies in the laboratories of educational practice-
-Educational policy and discursive strategies on nationalism in national development plans (1970-1985)-
-Pibid as a pedagogical strategy in initial teaching education-
-Reconfiguration of brazilian higner education: right or dismount?-
-Public policies for post-graduation: expansion and challenges for the professional master in Brazil-
-Indicators of internationalization: what do academic rankings measure?-
-Internationalization: the fourth mission of the university-
-Quota policy and democratization of higher education: the vision of implementers-
-Democratization of brazilian higher education: from the access to the commitment to academic success-
-Massive open online courses in Brazil in the context of the internationation of higher education-
-Pedagogical training for teachers of basic education - parfor: the supervised curricular stage in an interdisciplinary perspective-
-The Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia (UFSB) and the new university project: how are teachers licensing programs?-
-Higher education in Brazil: the resistance of philanthropy to guarantee universal access to the university-
-Social conditioners, logic of practices and constitutive elements of the academic-scientific habitus of the postgraduate student-
-Assistive technologies and the inclusion of the deaf student in the higher education-
-Teaching in higher education: an analysis of the "thirty" methodology and its relationship with historical-critical pedagogy-
-Editorial: Pedagogical policies and processes higher education in contemporaneity-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 221 a 240 de 2783