Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Estudios Sociológicos - CES/COLMEX - Cosecha : [1225] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 1225
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Aportes para la medición de la desigualdad racialista en la Argentina-
-Lo que el voto se llevó. La des-composición del pacto posrevolucionario en México-
-Guatemala, la infinita historia de las resistencias-
-Intersectionality and Social Conditioning of Health: A Theoretical and Methodological Approach to the Effects of Stigma on the Lives of Women with HIV in Chiapas-
-Professional Practices and Caregiving of Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Argentina: Family Transformations and Gender Inequalities-
-Gendered Homeorhesis: Athletic Differences Conceptualized from a Non-Biological Materialist Perspective-
-“Someone Had to Pay, Someone Had to Go to Jail”. The Life Story of a Woman Accused of Infanticide-
-Sensory Registers. An Analysis from the Body, Emotions and Senses of the Organization of Feminist Collectives in Mexico-
-Sustaining Life: Paid and Unpaid Work Trajectories for Women in Mexico-
-Herrera, Cristina. (2021). Mujer que sabe soldar. Transformaciones subjetivas en mujeres trabajadoras con ocupaciones feminizadas y masculinizadas en la Ciudad de México-
-The Configuration of Neoconservative Civil Croups in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru: A Characterization of Neoconservative Activism in the Andean Subregion-
-Female Migration and Intersectionality: The Reproductive Work of Latin American Immigrants in Mexico-
-Sánchez, Emma. (2021). Una página del pensamiento feminista en México. Diario de Emma Sánchez Montealvo (1934-1957)-
-Gutiérrez, Ana Paulina. (2022). Atmósferas trans. Sociabilidades, internet, narrativas y tránsitos de género en la Ciudad de México-
-Remunerating Extra-Domestic Work and Empowering of Women in Mexico-
-Women and Dictatorship: An Analysis of Universitarian Practices at El Bichicuí Memorial (La Plata) from an Ethnographical Perspective-
-Crossroads in Political Militancy: The Case of Basque Women Abertzale Left (1990-2000)-
-Activism and Gender in the Context of Migration. Gendered Experiences and Meanings of Political Work-
-Becoming Good Women: Treatments to “Refeminize” Female Inmates in Chiconautla prison-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 1225