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Título : The stage oriented approach on Internet market
Autor : Córdova Pozo, Kathya
Hagens, Arnold
Palabras clave : Compañías;Consumidores;Internet;Mercado;Productos
Fecha de publicación : 2000
Resumen : Internet created many new opportunities for business. Internet calls attention to many companies (whether they are big or not) to join to Internet with web pages. But also it calls attention of many people. With these advantages, companies assume that getting into this kind of market, they will be more profitable in a fast and easy way. The present research analyses that to have success, it is necessary to follow a process. Therefore, it will be presented a Model so the companies will reach it taking into account their customers.
Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Investigaciones Psicológicas y Sociológicas - CIPS

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