Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Centro de Investigación - UP - CIUP - Cosecha : [1475] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 1475
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Cultural capital and internal migration trajectories of recently enrolled students at the Universidad Veracruzana-
-Methods and Objectives of Birth Control. A Relational Analysis of the Field of Medicine, Argentina (1930-1940)-
-Obesity and labor market in Peru-
-Armas Asín, Fernando. Una historia del turismo en el Perú. El Estado, los visitantes y los empresarios (1800-2000). (Dos volúmenes). Lima: Universidad de San Martín de Porres, 2018. 570 pp.-
-Ibarra Sarlat, R. (Ed.). (2019). Cambio climático y gobernanza. Una visión transdisciplinaria. Ciudad de México: Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.-
-Bebbington, A., Abdulai, A.-G., Bebbington, D. H., Hinfelaar, M., & Sanborn, C. (2019). Gobernanza de las industrias extractivas: política, historia, ideas. Lima: Universidad del Pacífico.-
-State Institutional determinants for China’s intermediate goals: indigenous technology, development of industry, and internationalization of companies-
-State and entrepreneurs facing situations of crisis: conditions and possibilities for diversification of production in Mendoza (1901-1939)-
-Governance and Social Sustainability through Tourism in the Protected Natural Area of Cabo Pulmo, Baja California Sur, Mexico-
-The Relationship between Innovation and Employment in the Peruvian Manufacturing Industry, 2012-2014-
-Image of the destination among stakeholders and tourists: Hermosillo City, Sonora, Mexico-
-Public Debt Sustainability in Resources-Rich Economies with Access to Capital Markets: The Peruvian Case-
-Tourism as a Tool: Rehumanizing Rio de Janeiro’s South Zone Favelas Through Community-Based Tourism Narratives-
-Mapping cognitive capitalism to mitigate the urban museification-
-Landmarks upon landmarks: The equator, geodesic monuments, and the Museo Inti-Ñan-
-What can be expected of the state? Public policy and entrepreneurs during the beginnings of tourist activity in Peru (1930-1950)-
-Contributions to a regional version of the category of welfare regime. A perspective based on the Argentine case-
-Cooperativism as a youth labor inclusion mechanism. An Argentine case study-
-Measuring decent work in self-managed cooperatives: the Costa Rica case-
-Stories from precariousness: Territorial relocations, dispossession and resistance in Santiago del Estero, Argentina-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 1475