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dc.creatorLuz E. Quiñones González-
dc.descriptionMergers and acquisitions (M&A) affect the psychological contract of employees. This study assessed the impact of the M&A on survivors psychological contract, job sat - isfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, and whether credible ex - planation moderated employees reactions. Statistical analyses were performed on data gathered from 196 respondents of two pharmaceuticals in Puerto Rico. Results revealed an inverse correlation between perceived psychological contract violation (PCV) and the variables job satisfaction and organizational commitment. They also confirmed the direct correlation between PCV and the variable turnover intention. This study found an effect of the moderating variable credible explanation on the variables job satisfaction and organizational commitment. An understanding of psychological contract theory may reduce the perceived violation and its impact on employees attitudes.-
dc.publisherCentro de Investigaciones Comerciales e Iniciativas Académicas-
dc.rightsForum Empresarial-
dc.sourceForum Empresarial (Puerto Rico) Num.1 Vol.21-
dc.subjectAdministración y Contabilidad-
dc.subjectPsychological contract violation-
dc.subjectmergers and acquisitions-
dc.subjectjob satisfaction-
dc.subjectorganizational commitment-
dc.subjectturnover intention-
dc.titlePsychological Contract and Organizational Change: Assessing M&As Impact on Survivors of Pharmaceuticals in Puerto Rico-
dc.typeartículo científico-
Aparece en las colecciones: Facultad de Administración de Empresas (AACSB Accredited) - EGAE - Cosecha

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