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dc.creatorNunes, Rosiane-
dc.descriptionThis thesis is an exercise of listening, reflection and collective action. We do the register of the institutional history through primary and secondary sources, in which the modern oral history brought the voices of employees as protagonist of this historical document. As a result, several points of views were unveiled and brought diversity of experiences about political interferences, of different managements, interventions in personal life, family life, how employees viewed this museum and other topics. Besides the modern oral history, several endogenous and exogenous educational actions were accomplished, having as main focus to sensitize the internal public. All of this processes were accomplished through liberating education and an integrative museology. The experiences passed through to everyone involved in these museum processes, we brought the perspective of Sociomuseology to a federal and traditional museum. The submerged history is brought to this academic work through the methodology of oral history, the education actions were developed in many different ways and were monitored, registered and analyzed through action-research and the generative management was implemented. An institucional history document was produced with the voices of the internal public as the bond between the past time, present and desire for the future. The museum was transformed into a great liberating educational action in which the employees became agents of the development of the institution and the community. The whole process was based on action-reflection-action collectively, brought maturity to the team and they started to feel part of the museum. The utilization of the modern oral history, raise the self-esteem, improve the quality of internal and external life, became involved in all actions and with that, the museum practices were enchanted. Hearing these voices, processing, changing looks through the experience of the other, the constant dialogic actions increased the involvement, and the museum experienced an integrative organic museology, expanded its performance and capillarity resulting in a greater insertion of the community. Keywords: Museu Regional de São João del Rei, Sociomuseology, Oral history, Museum management, Museum audiences, Museum education.en-US
dc.descriptionApresentamos um exercício de escuta do outro, ação-reflexão-ação coletiva e constante autoanálise. As vozes dos funcionários deram o tom, caminhos e encaminhamentos para um Museu com responsabilidade social, por meio delas realizamos o registro da história institucional e direcionamos as ações desenvolvidas entre 2015-2018. As narrações foram os principais elos de ligações entre passado, presente e vontade de futuro. Diversos olhares foram desvelados e a multiplicidade de experiências possibilitou ampliar a consciência acerca da organização. A história oral, pesquisa ação, empresa generativa e autoanálise objetivou trazer o público interno e externo nas ações museais, todos esses processos foram realizados por meio da educação libertadora e de uma museologia integrativa. Ouvindo e agindo conjuntamente o museu transformou-se numa grande ação educativa. Os funcionários passaram a ser agentes do desenvolvimento da instituição e contribuíram para a interação com a comunidade. As experiências transpassaram a todos os envolvidos nesses processos, trouxemos a perspectiva da Sociomuseologia para um museu federal e tradicional. Integrar público interno e externo nas ações museais, ampliar a capilaridade da instituição, sistematizar a história institucional e principalmente promover a inclusão social por meio da escuta e ação foram as bases norteadoras desse trabalho, no qual os funcionários protagonizaram esse documento histórico. Palavras-chaves: Museu Regional de São João del Rei, Sociomuseologia, História oral, Gestão de museu, Públicos de museu, Educação
dc.publisherEdições Universitárias Lusófonaspt-PT
dc.rightsDireitos de Autor (c) 2021 Cadernos de Sociomuseologiapt-PT
dc.sourceCadernos de Sociomuseologia; Vol. 62 No. 18 (2021): Education, participation and heritageen-US
dc.sourceCadernos de Sociomuseologia; v. 62 n. 18 (2021): Educação, participação e patrimóniopt-PT
dc.titleThe Voices of the Regional Museum of São João del Reien-US
dc.titleAs Vozes do Museu Regional de São João del Reipt-PT
Aparece en las colecciones: Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologia - CeiED/ULHT - Cosecha

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