Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


ELA - Departamento de Estudos Latino-Americanos - Cosecha : [605] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 605
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Lawfare, Psychological Warfare and Destabilization in Latin America-
-Intersectional Feminism Activisms in the Fight for Legal Abortion in Argentina-
-Introdução ao dossiê Território e Territorialidade Guarani Continental: conflitos e resistências-
-Apresentação do Número-
-La Chava Bipolar: Genealogy essay from the experience of a white feminist of the Abya Yala-
-Malvinas Will be televised: War, military industries and the media in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-
-The dispute over the security problem in the Southern Cone: The role of the think tanks Fundación Paz Ciudadana (Chile) and Instituto Millenium (Brazil)-
-Memory as a tool of (re)construction: The identity restitution of appropriate children during the last Argentine dictatorship-
-Cyberdefense as an intellectual field : Contributions and research proposals in Cyberdefense and Cybersecurity for the Argentine realit-
-Contemporary Dispossession and Re-Territorialization Processes of the Ava Guaraní, Mbya Guaraní and Paî Tavyterâ Peoples of the Eastern Region of Paraguay-
-Sambaqui Indigenous Territory and the Port Complex in Pontal do Paraná: social-environmental injustices in the territorial ordering-
-Southern Borders and Territorial Transfiguration: genesis and permanence of the stigma of foreigners attributed to the Guarani in Brazil-
-Conservation of the Atlantic Rainforest and the “Continuity of the Earth” in the Current Context of the Guarani Territory-
-Recent transformations in the international economic plan:: a parallel analysis of the rise of the Asian “giant” and Latin American stagnation-
-The Exploration of the environment in Brazil and indigenous peoples: For an intercultural and collective understanding of human rights-
-Introdução ao Dossiê Crises Políticas na América Latina-
-Lands, Socio-spatial Mobility at the Borders and Citizenship: Three rights historically denied to the Avá-Guarani from the West of Paraná in the Triple Border (Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina)-
-Perspectives of media rights in the southern cone on the Cuban Revolution in the 1950-
-The Bleak Face of the New: A review of the analyses of the rise of the far right in contemporary Brazil-
-Four Decades Waiting for Fair Reparations. The Extinction of the Guarani Territory by Itaipu Binacional-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 605