Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


Secretaría de Investigación y Publicación Científica - SIPUC/FCPyS/UNCUYO - Cosecha : [338] Página de inicio de la colección

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 338
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
-Política Editorial: SIPUC FCPyS. UNCuyo-
-Urban youth activism: Slam Resistance, technicities, networks and acting through the gaps-
-Meanings on solidarity practices in upper class schools of CABA and Argentine Patagonia-
-Leadership in social organizations and its relevance in the study and practice of institutional communication-
-From the news frames to the frames of youth collective actions in North Patagonia-
-Introducción: Las juventudes latinoamericanas en debate: participación, identidades y activismos. Experiencias de investigación, aportes teóricos y desafíos metodológicos.-
-Tapa Millcayac Digital - Volumen X, Número 18, Año 2023: SIPUC FCPyS. UNCuyo-
-Work-family balance: female academics and the social construction of gender-
-A study on the ways of making student politics from "Ni una menos". The case of the groups of a pre-university school of the University of Buenos Aires (2015-2020)-
-Food regimes and periods of accumulation: recovering the role of policy regulation-
-Transitions that shape the new youths in the Horticultural Belt of La Plata and the role of organizations in their involvement in processes of change-
-Young women and the construction of sexual images: Sources of inspiration and regulatory spaces when practicing sexting-
-Them Trans-Transvestite Theories: Genocide and meritocracy of desire-
-Cartographic traces as a method to describe the production processes of intra and intergroup subjectivity production-
-Youth, music and identity in Europe and Latin America: Approaches to their study in times of crisis-
-Youth issue and government youth agencies at the subnational level in Argentina: the Córdoba Youth Agency case.-
-The research is part of the field of study on education and work, and has the objective of analyzing the trajectories of the workers through reconstructing their practices and choices that constitute their socio-educational and labor trajectories within the framework of the rural Pampas productive system in the present. To collect primary data, an in-depth and semi-structured interview was used with rural workers who carry out different activities in the productive system. In conclusion, it is recognized that the concept of trajectory refers to a process that not only contains vital steps or stages, but also reflects relationships, interests and strategies of participation in the territory, where capitals play a fundamental and differential role in the trajectories of rural workers.-
-A A visual history of Covid-19 in Argentina-
-Ancestral knowledge, local knowledge and climate change in Aymara communities of the Bolivian Altiplano: notes on the state of the art-
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 338