Red de Bibliotecas Virtuales de Ciencias Sociales en
América Latina y el Caribe


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Título : Investigar y militar contra las cárceles
Investigate and military against prisons
Investigar e militar contra as prisões
Palabras clave : Ethnography;;Prisons;;Field work;;Writing;Militancy;Etnografía;;Cárceles;;Trabajo de campo;Escritura;Militancia;Etnografia;;Prisões;;Trabalho de campo;;Escrita;;Militância
Editorial : Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA
Descripción : En el año 2015 obtuve una beca doctoral del CONICET para investigar una temática que me interesaba desde mi formación de grado como antropóloga: la educación en contextos de encierro. Por múltiples circunstancias recién en el 2017 pude ingresar al campo de manera sostenida para documentar la experiencia de un taller de alfabetización donde les estudiantes y les alfabetizadores se encontraban privades de su libertad.    En este articulo me interesa reconstruir algunos aspectos centrales de mi proceso de investigación, vinculados al trabajo de campo pero también a la escritura de la tesis, para comprender los motivos que me llevaron a postular que por el momento no deseo volver a investigar en cárceles (bajo las mismas condiciones), aunque sí me siento comprometida a sostener diversas actividades de trabajo militante contra ellas.
In 2015 I obtained a doctoral scholarship from CONICET to investigate a topic that interested me since my undergraduate training as an anthropologist: education in prisons. Due to multiple circumstances, it was only in 2017 that I was able to enter the field to document a literacy experience where students and teachers were imprisoned. In this article I am interested in reconstructing some central aspects of my research process, linked to fieldwork but also to writing the thesis, to understand the reasons that led me to postulate that, at the moment, I don´t wish to investigate in prisons again (under the same conditions), although I do feel committed to carrying out different militant work activities against them.
In 2015 I obtained a doctoral scholarship from CONICET to investigate a topic that interested me since my undergraduate training as an anthropologist: education in prisons. Due to multiple circumstances, it was only in 2017 that I was able to enter the field to document a literacy experience where students and teachers were imprisoned. In this article I am interested in reconstructing some central aspects of my research process, linked to fieldwork but also to writing the thesis, to understand the reasons that led me to postulate that, at the moment, I don´t wish to investigate in prisons again (under the same conditions), although I do feel committed to carrying out different militant work activities against them.
Otros identificadores :
Aparece en las colecciones: Secretaría de Investigación y Posgrado - SIPFyL/UBA - Cosecha

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